Homeschool Hip Hop Programs
We recognize that families are in need of a variety of safe programming options for their children that are taught by experienced and professional educators. This session will focus on fun, exploration of different beats and falling in love with moving to music.
Our Home School Dance Programs include:
- 45 min dance class that can be your Phys Ed. component taught by a qualified and versatile dance educator.
- classes that emphasize creativity, collaboration, and self-expression.
- dancers will be building strength, coordination and flexibility while connecting with friends and having fun.
We have classes for elementary school students that run in 6-8 week sessions
* Culturally aware street dance educators ensuring your children learn the history and foundation behind the dances.
Next 6 week session is Mondays at 11am, November 13- December 18 2023. Cost $90
Register Online Today!
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Go to "Register for classes"
Select the class you want to be in
Scroll to bottom of page to "Submit"
Accept terms and conditions/waiver
Make payment and you're all finished!